Embedded FancyBox gallery

This web page contains an embedded gallery made with the FancyBox skin. No iframes are used: it is created by copying 3 sections from the album index file generated by the jAlbum program.

These sections are indicated by html comment lines:

Previous slide (left arrow key)
Close window and show index (up arrow key)
Next slide (right arrow key)

It is advised to use the following jAlbum /skin settings:

Upload your web page to the same directory as used for the jAlbum index page.

It is also possible to make this type of pages without copying parts of the jAlbum index file by using of inc-files instead, see this album as a foundation of a home page. Click on the Info button to see how that page is made.

You can also embed a FancyBox light-box into your web page, see this example page.