LightGallery embedded thumbnails gallery

Embedded LightGallery thumbnails gallery

This web page contains an embedded gallery made with the LightGallery skin. No iframes are used: it is created by copying 3 or 4 sections from the album index file generated by the jAlbum program.

These sections are indicated by html comment lines:

1: RV_150510_1354-2 2: RV_150510_1044-3 3: RV_150510_1055 4: RV_150510_1109<br>Een ooievaar en een visser langs het Fishermen's trail 5: RV_150510_1126<br>Korenbloemen 6: RV_150510_1131-2 7: RV_150510_1131B<br>Afdaling in het ravijn van de Cavalhal 8: RV_150510_1147 9: RV_150510_1245-2 10: RV_150510_1248-5 11: RV_150510_1340 12: RV_150510_1341 13: RV_150510_1341A-3<br>Zambujeiro do Mar 14: RV_150510_1349<br>Engels gras

It is advised to use the following jAlbum /skin settings:

Upload your web page to the same directory as used for the jAlbum index page. It is recommended to upload the whole web page folder with an FTP program like FileZilla, so that also files not used by jAlbum, like special images in the webpage which are not processed by jAlbum, are uploaded.

You can make this web page also with two inc-files:

Using inc-files has the advantage that after a new version of the skin, the album has only to be re-made and uploaded to use the new version code.

< p>You can also embed a LightGallery light-box into your web page, see this example page.