Software download page of André Wolff

Click on the tab of the desired program below and then on the helpfile link for detailed information about the program.

If an automatic update fails, please remove the old version first via Start / Control panel/ Programs and features. Next install the new version from here.

I did not buy a Microsoft security certification, so during the installation you will see messages like 'Setup.exe is not downloaded frequently and can be dangerous' and 'Your PC is protected'. Ignore these messages and choose actions like 'More information' and/or 'Nevertheless, do the installation'.

Version 2.8 of program MakeMap

This program can generate a Google Earth kml-file to show the photo locations of a photo album made with jAlbum. It is also possible to generate a Google Maps web-page to show these locations, by clicking on the way-points on the map, a thumbnail of the picture exposed on that place is showed. If you click on the thumbnail or the link below the thumbnail, the corresponding slide page will be opened.
With version 2.0 a new check-mark 'OpenStreetMap' enables you to make a file waypoints.js to display the photo locations in a OpenStreetMap. A web-page 'OSM_Map.html' will in that case be made if check-mark 'Make web-page' is also set.

This program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework which is automatically installed if required

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Version 4.2.8 of program EditPhotoInfo

This program is used to change the photo image files in a folder. The recording date can be read from the EXIF information and put in the file date and / or file name. It is possible to view the photos in a viewer window, if desired in a full-screen view, and next rotate photos 90 degrees, or to move a photo to the trash or to a special folder. The file name, recording date and a description of each photo can also be altered and the image data, like recording date/time, diaphragm etc. are displayed. It is also possible, if the photo contains GPS location data, to show the photo location in Google Maps and / or Google Earth in this program or in a JAlbum presentation. Do you have a GPS track log file created during a shooting, then you can record the location in the EXIF information in the photo set. You can create a Google Earth kml file with the walked or cycled track and the locations where the pictures are made. With this kml file you can show that information in Google Earth and Google Maps.

This program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 which is automatically installed if required

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Version 2.0 of program ConvertTrack

Program ConvertTrack can remove GPS Tracklog points which are not significant for the track and limit in that way the number of points to 500 or less. If a next Tracklog point goes in about the same direction of the previous point, it will be removed. The Time and Height information is also removed, resulting in a small Tracklog file. The program can also convert the tracklog file to a gpx Route file, to a kml file, so you can also use this program to show the tracks in the Google Earth program. It can also read kml files, so you can make your route or tracks in Google Earth. With version 2.0 you can save the trackpoints in a track.js file for display in an OpenStreet Map via my program MakeMap.

This program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 which is automatically installed if required

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Version 3.1.3 of program ShuffleBridgeCards

Program ShuffleBridgeCards is a Windows program for the generation of bridge games. The games are saved in a PBN- (Portable Bridge Notation) file and/or in a CSV-(Comma Separated Values) file. It is also possible to generate a webpage with the games. The CSV-file may be used in automatic shuffling machines and it can be used to import the games in the Dutch NBB calculation program.

This program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 which is automatically installed if required

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Version 3.2.3 of program Backup

Program Backup is used for the backup of folders with files. The program checks all files in de data source folder and copies a file to the backup disc if the file is not already there or if the creation date of the corresponding file on de backup disc is older.

Version 3.0.2 gives an error message after an automatic installation. To solve this problem remove the old version via the Configuration window and next install the new version via the link below. More info on my weblog.

This program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 which is automatically installed if required

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